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We are a Bible based church 
believing that the Bible is 100% true and reliable. It is inspired by God and relevant for life today.

We are a family church  
we love, support and care for each other as a family.

We are a discipleship family
wanting to see all generations grow in their knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and His teaching and to see this evidenced in their lives.

We are a community church 
part of Stapleford’s community and seeking to play an active part in that community.

We are a team led church
having a leadership team responsible for the running of the church. We also believe that every member has been given a gift by God to serve others.

We are an independent church
like many throughout the world who simply want the truths of the Bible to be our clear message.

We are a praying church 
we believe in the power of prayer and the need to lift each other before God in prayer.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer Acts 2:42